ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kavala Almond Cookies

So kiddo, do you know what cookies are? They are yummy sweet treats that we can eat. Now, Kavala almond cookies are a type of cookie from a place called Kavala in Greece.

These cookies are made of almond flour, which is made from crushing almonds into a powder. They also have sugar, eggs, and butter in them. All of these ingredients are mixed together to make the dough for the cookies.

The dough is then rolled out into little balls and flattened into a cookie shape. After that, they are baked in the oven until they turn golden brown on the outside.

When they come out of the oven, they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. They also have a delicious almond flavor because of the almond flour.

These cookies are a special treat that people in Kavala like to make during holidays and special occasions. And now, if we follow the recipe, we can enjoy them too!