ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Keathley Canyon

Hello there! Keathley Canyon is a place deep in the ocean where there's a lot of oil and gas. It's like a treasure chest hidden under the water! But it's not easy to get to because it's really deep down, like going to the bottom of a swimming pool but a million times deeper.

People want to get this oil and gas because it can be used for things like fuel and electricity. But it's important that they get it the right way, so they don't hurt the animals and plants that live in the ocean.

So they use special machines and equipment to dig into the ocean floor and get the oil and gas out. They have to be very careful not to cause a big mess or harm any creatures living there.

Keathley Canyon is like a secret hideout full of valuable things, but it's important to use it responsibly and make sure the environment stays safe and healthy.