ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kenneth S. Suslick

Kenneth S. Suslick is a really smart scientist who works with things called molecules. Molecules are tiny things that we can't see because they're so small. But they're important because they're what make up everything around us, like the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Now, Kenneth Suslick has a special talent. He's very good at finding ways to use sound to study and understand molecules. Sound is something we can hear, like when we listen to music or someone talking. But it's also something that can be used to measure and learn about different things.

So, Kenneth Suslick uses special machines that make sound waves to "talk" to molecules and see what they're made of, how they behave, and how they change. This helps him and other scientists learn things about new molecules that they find, and figure out how to use them for different things.

For example, by using sound waves to study molecules, Kenneth Suslick has figured out ways to help detect extra air pressure in airplane cabins, how to test whether food is spoiled or not, and even how to create things that glow in the dark!

Kenneth Suslick is a very smart man who uses special machines and sound waves to learn about tiny things called molecules, which helps other scientists and engineers figure out how to use them to make new and useful things.