ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kenosha, Wisconsin

Kenosha is a city in the state of Wisconsin in the United States. At its heart is a big beautiful lake called Lake Michigan. People who live in Kenosha are called "Keno-shons."

Kenosha is a little bit like a giant playground! It has lots of fun things to do like beautiful parks where you can play on swings or go on a slide. There are lots of different sports you can play there like soccer, basketball, and baseball.

Kenosha is also a great place to go shopping! There are lots of stores where you can buy toys, clothes, and food. You can even go to a place called a farmer's market where people sell fresh fruit and vegetables.

People in Kenosha are really friendly and nice. They like to help each other out and are always ready to lend a hand.

Recently, there was a big event that happened in Kenosha. Some people were protesting because they were upset about something that happened. It got kind of scary because some people were breaking things and fighting. But the police came and tried to keep things calm.

Now people all over the world are talking about Kenosha and how everyone is trying to work together to make things better. It's really important to be kind and respectful to each other, just like the people of Kenosha are trying to do.