ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kernel debugger

A kernel debugger is like a magic tool that helps you find and fix problems in the brain of a computer called the "kernel".

Imagine a big, complicated puzzle that is the computer's brain. Sometimes, a piece of the puzzle is missing or in the wrong place, which makes the computer not work right. A kernel debugger helps you find those missing or wrong pieces so you can put them in the right place.

When you use a kernel debugger, you can pause the computer's brain at any point and look inside to see what's happening. It's like looking into a magic mirror that shows you what the computer is thinking.

You can also tell the computer to do things while it's paused, like putting a missing puzzle piece in the right spot or moving a wrong piece to the correct place. Then, you can start the computer's brain again and watch it work correctly.

Kernel debuggers are used by computer experts who want to make sure that the computer's brain is working properly. They are like superhero detectives who solve tricky problems in the computer's brain so that the computer can work the way it's supposed to.