ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kernel smoother

Imagine you have a bucket full of marbles of different sizes, and you want to know what the average size of the marbles is. But instead of counting all the marbles, you can just take a handful of marbles and use them as a representative sample to estimate the average size.

Similarly, a kernel smoother is a statistical method that estimates the relationship between two variables - say, the height and weight of people in a population - by taking a subset of the data points (e.g., a group of people with similar heights) and using them as representatives to estimate the trend in the data.

Think of it as taking a bunch of sand on a beach and smoothing it out with your hand. The sand represents the data points, and your hand represents the smoothing function. The smoother estimates the pattern in the sand by averaging the heights of the grains of sand within a small window around each point, and then sliding the window along the data set to get multiple estimates. The smoother then uses these estimates to create a smoothed line that represents the pattern in the data.

So, a kernel smoother helps us to better understand the patterns and relationships in complex data by smoothing out the noise and identifying underlying trends.