ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kerosene jet fuel

Kerosene jet fuel is a type of fuel that goes into airplanes to make them fly in the sky. Just like cars need gasoline to go, airplanes need jet fuel to go up in the air.

Jet fuel is made by taking a special kind of oil called crude oil and processing it in a refinery. This process takes out all the dirty and unwanted stuff from the crude oil and makes it into a liquid fuel that is clean and safe to use.

Once the jet fuel is made, it is put into special tanks at airports where airplanes can come and fill up their fuel tanks before takeoff. The fuel is then transported to the airplane through special pipes that make sure it's pumped into the right place.

The jet fuel is stored in the airplane's wings because that's the safest place for it. The fuel can't catch on fire easily because it is specially made to be resistant to flames, but storing it in the wings helps keep everything safe just in case there is a problem.

So, in short, kerosene jet fuel is a special kind of fuel made for airplanes to fly. It is made from crude oil, cleaned at a refinery, and then put into the wings of the airplane before takeoff.