ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ketchup is a kind of sauce that people like to put on their food to make it taste better. It is usually made from tomato and a few other ingredients, such as vinegar, sugar, salt, and spices. These ingredients are mixed together and cooked for a while to make a thick and smooth sauce.

Ketchup is often used as a condiment, which means people put it on their food after they have cooked it. For example, some people like to put ketchup on their burgers, hot dogs, or french fries. It can also be used as an ingredient in cooking, like in meatloaf or barbecue sauce.

Ketchup is usually stored in a bottle with a small opening on top so that people can squeeze it out easily. When you want to use it, you just shake the bottle and squeeze a little bit out onto your food.

Ketchup has been around for a long time and is loved by people all over the world. Some people even collect different kinds of ketchup bottles as a hobby!