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Ketu (mythology)

Ketu is a character found in ancient Indian stories and is often depicted as a shadowy figure with a serpent-like body. According to these stories, Ketu is known as one of the nine planets, or navagrahas, which have a significant influence on human lives.

In these stories, Ketu was actually once a powerful demon who was beheaded by Lord Vishnu, a major god in Indian mythology. When his head was severed, Ketu's body started to wither away, but his head remained alive and became a source of immense power.

Nowadays, in many traditions and beliefs, Ketu is considered a planet that can affect individuals' lives and bring both good and bad luck. Because of this, people often pay respect to Ketu to try and get on his good side.

Overall, Ketu is a complex character in Indian mythology, and there are many different beliefs and traditions surrounding him. However, at the most basic level, he is often seen as a powerful planet that can have a big impact on people's lives.