ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Khariboli is a language, also known as Hindi, that many people speak in India. It is like a secret code that people who speak Khariboli understand, and others who don't speak it might not be able to understand.

Khariboli has its own alphabet, which is made up of special characters that represent different sounds. When people write in Khariboli, they use these special characters to make words and sentences.

Since India has many different languages, Khariboli has different dialects, or ways of speaking, depending on which part of the country you are in. This means that people from different regions might speak Khariboli in slightly different ways.

Overall, Khariboli is a very important language in India, and many people use it every day to talk to their friends and family, as well as conduct business and government affairs.