ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Khartoum is a big city in a country called Sudan which is in Africa. It's the place where three rivers meet - the White Nile, Blue Nile and the River Nile. Imagine three different lines of water coming together to form a big puddle. That's what Khartoum is like.

Lots of people live in Khartoum and it's the capital city of Sudan. People speak lots of different languages like Arabic and English. There are big buildings and lots of cars and buses driving around. Sometimes it gets very hot there because it's near the Equator where the sun shines very strong.

Do you know a game called "tag"? Sometimes countries play a game of tag with each other. They might say "You're it!" and then tag another country. There was a big game of tag between countries in the 1800s where they were trying to control different parts of Africa.

Sudan was one of the countries that was being chased by other countries. People in England, France and Italy wanted to control Sudan. But Sudan said "No thank you, we just want to be our own country. Don't chase us anymore!"

Finally in 1956, Sudan was able to become independent and its own country. People were very happy and proud to have their own flag and government. One of the first things they did was to build a big city in the middle of all three rivers - Khartoum.

Today, Khartoum is an important place where people buy and sell things, go to school, and work at their jobs. It's a really cool city because it's in the center of all the water and it helps keep Sudan connected to the rest of the world.