ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kindle Direct Publishing

Okay, so imagine you have a book that you wrote all by yourself. It's really good and you want people to be able to read it.

Well, there's this website called Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP for short. KDP is like a special place on the internet where people can put their books so that anyone who has a Kindle, which is a special kind of tablet, can read it.

If you want to share your book with the world, you can go to KDP and create an account. It's like making a username and password for a game or website. Once you have an account, you can upload your book by following the instructions on the website.

When your book is uploaded to KDP, it becomes an eBook. This means that people can download it and read it on their Kindles or on a special app on their phones or tablets.

Now, the cool thing about KDP is that you can decide how much money your book costs and how much money you get when someone buys it. You can also choose to let people borrow your book for a short time by joining a program called Kindle Unlimited.

So, if you want to share your book with lots of people and make some money at the same time, KDP is a great way to do it!
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