ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kinetic Theory

Kinetic theory is the idea that everything in the world is made up of tiny moving particles. The particles could be atoms, molecules, or even smaller pieces like electrons. These particles are always moving around and bumping into each other.

Think of a bunch of tiny little balls in a jar. If you shake the jar, the balls will start bouncing around and crashing into each other. This is kind of like what happens in the world of particles.

The way these particles move around determines the properties of the material they make up. For example, if the particles that make up a gas move around really fast and spread out, the gas will be very light and take up a lot of space. If the particles move slowly and are packed in tightly together, the material will be heavier and more rigid.

So, kinetic theory explains how the motion of tiny particles can give us the properties of different materials in the world around us.