ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

King of Champa

Okay kiddo, so imagine that there was a place a long time ago called Champa. Champa was like a kingdom, kind of like a big group of people who all lived together and had rules and leaders.

Now, the King of Champa was the most important leader in the kingdom. They were like the boss of all the other leaders, and everyone in Champa looked up to them as the most powerful person around.

The King of Champa was responsible for making important decisions for the kingdom and making sure that everyone was safe and happy. People would come from all over Champa to meet with the king and ask them for help with things like food or protection from enemies.

Being the King of Champa was a very big job that required a lot of work and responsibility. But the king also got a lot of respect and honor from the people of Champa for being such an important leader.