ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kingdom of Italy (Holy Roman Empire)

Okay kiddo, so let me tell you a story about a place called Italy a long, long time ago. You know how we have countries like America and China now? Well, Italy used to be part of a really big country called the Holy Roman Empire.

The Holy Roman Empire was sort of like a club that lots of different countries joined so they could all work together and be friends. Italy was part of the club because they wanted to be friends with all the other countries too.

But sometimes, friends don't get along very well, and that's what happened to Italy and the other countries in the Holy Roman Empire. They started fighting and arguing about things like who should be in charge and what rules everyone should follow.

Eventually, Italy decided that they didn't want to be in the club anymore. They wanted to be on their own and make their own rules. So they broke away from the Holy Roman Empire and became their own country called the Kingdom of Italy.

It wasn't easy being a new country though. Italy had to work really hard to make their own laws and decide who would be in charge. But they did it, and Italy has been its own country ever since!