ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kingdom of Opona

Okay, imagine there is a big land called Opona. It's like a fairy tale land with kings, queens, knights, and castles. The Kingdom of Opona is the part of this land that is ruled by a king or queen. It's like a big area where everyone living there has to obey the rules made by the king or queen.

The Kingdom of Opona also has different parts called provinces. These are like smaller areas within the Kingdom where there may be smaller rulers who help the king or queen.

In the Kingdom of Opona, people work together to make sure everything is running smoothly. There may be people who help the king or queen make decisions, people who make sure everyone is following the rules, and people who help with everyday tasks like farming and trading.

Overall, the Kingdom of Opona is like a big family with a leader who makes sure everyone is happy and working together.