ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kingdom of Sedang

So, a long time ago there was a place called Sedang. It was a small kingdom run by a king named T'nei who wanted his kingdom to be recognized by the big countries of the world. But those big countries didn't really care about Sedang because it was so small and didn't have much power or influence.

So, King T'nei had an idea. He wanted to make his kingdom more interesting to those big countries by creating his own currency, stamps, and even a flag. He even made up his own language! He hoped that this would get him noticed and recognized by other countries.

But even though King T'nei tried really hard, his kingdom of Sedang didn't really become famous. Eventually, other bigger countries got involved and Sedang lost its independence. Now, it's just a historical curiosity that some people may have heard of.

Basically, the Kingdom of Sedang was a small country that tried to get noticed by other countries by creating its own things like money and a flag, but it didn't work out and it doesn't exist anymore.