ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kings (drinking game)

Kings is a game you can play with your friends and it's all about drawing cards and doing different activities based on the card you draw.

First, you shuffle a deck of cards and spread them face down in a circle on a table or floor. Then, you sit around the circle with your friends and take turns drawing cards.

When someone draws a card, they have to do a specific action based on the card they drew. For example:

- If you draw an Ace, you get to make a rule. This means you get to make up a silly rule that everyone has to follow while playing the game. For example, you could make a rule that everyone has to use a funny accent when they talk.

- If you draw a Two, you get to choose someone to take a drink.

- If you draw a Three, you have to take a drink.

- If you draw a Four, everyone playing has to touch the floor. The last person to touch the floor has to take a drink.

- If you draw a Five, you have to choose someone to be your "mate" for the rest of the game. Whenever you drink, they have to drink with you.

- If you draw a Six, everyone playing has to stand up and switch seats. The last person to find a seat has to take a drink.

- If you draw a Seven, everyone playing has to put their hand on their head. The last person to do so has to take a drink.

- If you draw an Eight, everyone playing has to put their thumbs on the table. The last person to do so has to take a drink.

- If you draw a Nine, you get to choose a word. Everyone playing has to take turns saying words that rhyme with the word you chose. The first person who can't think of a word has to take a drink.

- If you draw a Ten, you get to choose a category, like types of fruit or colors. Everyone playing has to take turns saying something that fits in the category. The first person who can't think of something has to take a drink.

- If you draw a Jack, you have to choose someone to drink with you.

- If you draw a Queen, you have to ask a question. The person to your left has to answer the question with a question, and it keeps going around the circle until someone messes up. Whoever messes up has to take a drink.

- If you draw a King, you have to pour some of your drink into the "King's cup" in the middle of the circle. The person who draws the fourth king has to drink the whole cup and the game is over.

Overall, Kings is a fun game to play with friends, but it's important to drink responsibly and keep an eye on how much you're drinking. Always make sure to drink plenty of water and never drink and drive.