ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Klein quartic

The Klein quartic is a really cool squiggly shape that looks like a star with 56 points. Imagine a flat piece of paper, like a sheet, that you can draw on. If you take three sides of a square on this paper and bend them upwards, and then connect them together, you'll end up with a shape that has three corners that look like the tips of a star. The distance around this star is the same all the way around, and this makes it a really special shape.

Mathematicians like to study shapes like this because they have some very interesting properties. For example, the Klein quartic is what's called a "non-orientable" shape, which means that you can't flip it over and have it look exactly the same. It's also what's called a "Riemann surface," which is a fancy way of saying that you can use this shape to help understand some really complicated math problems.

The Klein quartic is named after a famous mathematician named Felix Klein, who lived a long time ago. He was really interested in finding new and interesting shapes to study, and the Klein quartic is one of the coolest shapes that he discovered. Even though it might seem a little bit complicated, it's actually a really beautiful and fascinating object that mathematicians still study and explore today.