ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Klotho (biology)

Klotho is a special protein that can help keep our body healthy. It is like a superhero that fights against aging and keeps us strong.

Klotho is present in our bodies, especially in important organs like the kidneys and the brain. It helps keep our bones strong and healthy by controlling the levels of calcium in our body. When we have enough klotho, our bones grow strong and we can run and jump without any problems.

Klotho also helps our kidneys to do their job by filtering waste and excess fluids from our blood. This helps prevent us from getting sick and keeps us healthy.

The amazing thing about klotho is that it can even help us live longer! Researchers have found that people with higher levels of klotho tend to live longer and be healthier.

So, to make sure that you have enough klotho in your body, it is important to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid things that can harm your body like smoking and drinking too much alcohol. By taking care of your body, you can help klotho to keep you healthy and strong for many years to come.