ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Konami Code

The Konami code is like a secret password that helps you unlock special things in some video games or websites. It is a series of button presses that you need to enter in a specific order to access these special features.

The Konami code goes like this: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. It was first used in a video game made by a company called Konami, hence the name.

When you enter the code correctly, you might see cool things happen, such as getting extra lives, unlocking secret levels, or getting weapons that are normally hard to find.

It's called a secret because not everyone knows about it, and it can be pretty exciting to figure out how to use it. Some people say that using the Konami code makes them feel like they have a special power that other players might not have.