ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Korean–Jurchen border conflicts

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the Korean-Jurchen Border Conflicts.

A long, long time ago, there were two groups of people who lived in what we now know as Korea and China. One group was called the Koreans and the other was called the Jurchens.

Now, you know how sometimes people like to say, "This is my land. You can't come here!"? Well, that's kinda what happened with the Koreans and Jurchens. They both wanted control of some of the land that was in the middle of their territories.

This led to a lot of fighting between the Koreans and Jurchens over who had the right to control that land. They would even build walls and fortresses to try to keep each other out!

The fighting and conflict went on for a very long time, with both sides sometimes winning battles, but neither side managing to fully claim the disputed land.

Eventually, though, things started to calm down as the Koreans and Jurchens focused on other things. But even today, people still study these conflicts to learn about the complex history between these two groups of people.