ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kosher salt

Kosher salt is a special kind of salt that has bigger crystals than regular table salt. The word "kosher" doesn't mean that it's made in a special way - it just means that it's the kind of salt that is used for making food that follows the Jewish dietary laws, called Kashrut.

The reason that kosher salt has bigger crystals is because it's easier to sprinkle onto food, and it sticks better to the surface of meat when you're seasoning it. You might have seen chefs on TV using a big pinch of kosher salt and rubbing it into a piece of meat - that's because the big crystals help to distribute the salt more evenly.

But even though it's called kosher salt, you don't have to be Jewish or follow any specific rules to use it. Anyone can use kosher salt in their cooking, and it may actually give your food more flavor than regular table salt since the crystals are larger and less harsh-tasting. So, next time when you are cooking with salt, try using kosher salt and taste the difference!