ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kounotori 6

Kounotori 6, also known as HTV-6, is like a big moving truck that can travel all the way up into space! It was built by a clever team of people in Japan who wanted to send important things to the astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS).

The Kounotori 6 is very special because it is able to carry a lot of things that the astronauts need to survive in space, like food, water, and air. It can also carry important equipment like scientific experiments that astronauts can use to learn more about space and our world.

To get to the ISS, the Kounotori 6 had to go up really high, way above the clouds and even beyond where airplanes can fly. It travelled on a special rocket that lifted it up into space and then it used its own engines to move closer and closer to the ISS until it finally caught up with it.

Once it was close enough, the astronauts on the ISS used a big robotic arm to grab the Kounotori 6 and bring it in. Then they opened it up and took out all of the important things that were inside. They were very happy to see all of the fresh supplies and new experiments that the Kounotori 6 had brought them.

So, in summary, Kounotori 6 is a big truck that can travel all the way up into space to deliver important things to astronauts on the International Space Station. It's like a really big delivery service that helps keep the astronauts safe and well-fed while they're doing important research up in space.