ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kozyrev mirror

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a mirror that reflects everything backwards? Well, a Kozyrev mirror is a special mirror that does something even cooler!

You know how we can see things around us because light bounces off objects and goes into our eyes? With a Kozyrev mirror, instead of bouncing the light back towards you like a normal mirror, it twists the light around and sends it back out into the world.

This twisting of light is called refraction, and it can do some really interesting things. Scientists have found that when they shine a beam of light into a Kozyrev mirror, the light twists in a special way that seems to make time move differently!

Now, this is where things get a bit tricky to explain, but I'll do my best. The idea is that the way the light twists in the Kozyrev mirror creates a sort of "time vortex" that can affect the way time passes in the area around the mirror.

It's not entirely clear how this happens or why, but some scientists have suggested that the twisting of the light creates a gravitational force that warps time in its vicinity. This is similar to how a planet or star can warp spacetime and cause gravity.

It's all very complicated stuff, but one thing we do know for sure is that a Kozyrev mirror is a really fascinating and unique scientific tool that can teach us a lot about the mysteries of time and space!