Hi there, little one! Today, we are going to talk about a word called "kuṭṭaka". Kuṭṭaka is a very old word from a language called Sanskrit. Sanskrit is a very old language from India that was used a long, long time ago.
Now, kuṭṭaka means "locking or closing" in Sanskrit. It used to be a kind of punishment in ancient India where someone's hands and feet were tied up together using ropes or chains. Can you imagine what it would be like if your hands and feet were tied up together? That would make it very hard for you to move around and do things, right? That's why kuṭṭaka was a very harsh punishment.
In the past, people were punished using kuṭṭaka for many reasons. For example, if someone broke the law or didn't follow the rules, they might be punished using kuṭṭaka. Nowadays, we don't use kuṭṭaka as a punishment anymore. We have better ways to teach people to follow the rules and be good members of society.
So remember, little one, kuṭṭaka is an old word that means "locking or closing" in Sanskrit. It used to be a punishment in ancient India where someone's hands and feet were tied up together using ropes or chains. But nowadays, we don't use it anymore, and we have better ways to teach people to behave well.