ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kurdish Alevism

Ok kiddo, do you remember the kurds we talked about before? Well, some of them believe in a religion called Alevism. Alevism is like a special type of Islam that has some different beliefs and practices.

In Alevism, they don't go to a mosque like other Muslims do. Instead, they have gatherings in homes or special places called cemevis. They usually meet on Fridays, just like other Muslims, but they have different prayers and rituals.

Another thing that is different is that they believe in the importance of following a spiritual leader called an Alevi Baba or Dedesi. This leader helps guide and teach people about their beliefs.

Kurdish Alevism is a mix of Alevism and Kurdish culture. This means that some of the Alevi beliefs and practices are mixed with traditions and customs that are unique to the Kurdish people. For example, they have special songs and dances that they do during their gatherings.

Overall, Kurdish Alevism is a special type of religion that blends Alevi beliefs with Kurdish culture. It has its own unique traditions and practices that are important to its followers.