ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kuznets swing

Kuznets Swing is a way of looking at how economic policies can change how different kinds of people get money. It is named after a famous economist named Simon Kuznets.

Wheneconomies grow, the amount of money (and other kinds of wealth) available to people goes up. This can happen in different ways. For example, some people may get better jobs and higher salaries, while others may get cheaper prices on things they buy. This is called the Kuznets Swing.

With the Kuznets Swing, when an economy grows, it can make some people richer, while others can lose out. This can happen because of different economic policies. People who benefit from economic policies that help the wealthy, for example, might get richer while those lower down on the economic ladder may lose out. On the other hand, economic policies that help those low on the economic ladder, such as giving them better access to education and other resources, can help them to become more financially secure.

The Kuznets Swing is important to understand. It reminds us that economic policies can have a big impact on how people are able to build wealth, and that it’s important to think about how different kinds of policies will help or hurt different kinds of people.