ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lü Jia (Nanyue)

Lü Jia Nanyue is the name of an ancient tomb that was found in China. It was a final resting place for someone very important who lived a long, long time ago.

The tomb has a lot of cool things inside, like a statue of a lady who used to play music, a bunch of pottery, and even some bones! People who are good at learning about ancient things have been working hard to figure out what all the things inside the tomb mean.

The tomb is named after its owner, who was called Lü Jia. He was a ruler of a place called Nanyue a super long time ago. The tomb was made to be really fancy and important because Lü Jia must have been really important too!

Today, people can visit the tomb and learn all about the special things that are inside. It’s a really cool place to go if you want to learn about the past!