ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

LBH (gene)

Okay, let's pretend that you are building a fort out of blocks. Each block is like a letter that goes together to make a word. A group of words make a sentence and sentences make a story. In our bodies, we have a special set of blocks that make genes. These genes are like our body's storybook, and they tell our body how to grow and work.

Now, let's focus on one particular gene called "lbh". This gene is like a chapter in our body's storybook. It gives our body instructions on how to make proteins, which are like little machines that help our body do different things. For example, some proteins help us see, others help us move our muscles, and others help us fight off germs.

The lbh gene is important because it helps our body make a protein that is needed for our brain to develop properly. This protein is called LHX8, and it helps our brain cells communicate with each other. This is really important because our brain controls everything we do, including thinking, moving, and feeling.

So, in summary, the lbh gene is like a chapter in our body's storybook that gives our body instructions on how to make a protein called LHX8, which is important for our brain to develop and work properly.