ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

LGBT history

Okay, so let me tell you about a really cool thing called LGBT history. You see, a long, long time ago, people didn't really understand that there were different ways to love and different people had different gender identities. This meant that people who loved differently or felt like they were a different gender were sometimes treated very unfairly by other people.

As time went on, some people started standing up for their rights and trying to change things. They formed groups and organizations to fight for LGBT rights. They protested and spoke out against unfair laws and attitudes towards LGBT people. They worked really hard to make sure that people who loved differently or felt like a different gender were treated with respect and acceptance.

There were some really important moments in LGBT history, like the Stonewall riots in 1969. This was a time when LGBT people in New York City fought back against police who were constantly harassing and arresting them. The riots led to a lot of change and helped start the modern LGBT rights movement.

Over time, more and more people started to understand and accept that love and gender identity can be different for everyone. They realized that everyone deserves equal rights, no matter how they love or what gender they feel like. Today, we continue to celebrate LGBT history and work towards a world where everyone feels safe, loved, and accepted for who they are.