ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

LNG spill

LNG is like a type of gas that is very very cold, even colder than your fridge. It is used to make electricity and to heat homes. Sometimes, when we move it from one place to another, it can spill out and make a big mess.

Think of it like a drink. If you accidentally spill a drink on the table, it can make a mess. The same thing happens with LNG - if it spills, it can make a big mess. It can make it hard for animals and plants to live in the area around the spill.

When we have a LNG spill, we need to work really hard to clean it up. We use special equipment like scoops and nets to recover as much of the LNG as possible. We also use chemicals to get rid of any leftover gas.

Overall, LNG spills can be bad for the environment, but people work hard to clean them up and make sure they don't happen too often.