ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

LONI Pipeline

Okay kiddo, do you know what a pipeline is? It's a long, thin tube that things can travel through. You might have seen pipes in your house that water travels through to get to your sink or shower.

Now, the "loni pipeline" is a special kind of pipeline that computer scientists use to do really complicated calculations faster. It's like a big chain of tubes and each tube is like a tiny part of a big machine.

These tubes all have different jobs to do. Some tubes might carry information about the things we want to calculate, and other tubes might carry the actual calculations that the computer needs to do.

Now, because there are so many tubes all working together, it's like having a big team of people all working together to get a job done. And this team is really good at doing certain kind of calculations.

The loni pipeline is used by scientists and researchers for things like studying the human brain or looking at really complex data. It's like having a whole army of robots working together to solve a really hard problem.