Okay, so imagine you have a bunch of different types of candy, like gummy bears, lollipops, and chocolate bars. Each of these candies has a different flavor and sweetness level, right?
Now, let's say you want to know how strong each type of candy is. Like, how much sugar is in each gummy bear or how much cocoa is in each chocolate bar. To do this, you would look at the label on the candy package.
The label tells you important information about the candy, like the ingredients, the calories, and the nutritional values. It also tells you something called the primary potency.
Primary potency is basically a fancy way of saying how strong or powerful something is. So, if we go back to our candy example, the primary potency label would tell us how much sugar or cocoa or flavoring is in each candy.
For example, if the label on the gummy bear package says "Primary Potency: 10g sugar per serving," that means that each gummy bear has 10 grams of sugar in it. Similarly, if the label on the chocolate bar says "Primary Potency: 60% cocoa," that means that 60% of the chocolate is made from cocoa.
So, in summary, primary potency is a label that helps you understand how strong or potent something is by telling you how much of a certain ingredient or substance is in it.