ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lactic acid fermentation

Lactic acid fermentation is a fancy word for how our bodies make energy when they don't have enough oxygen.

You know how when you run really fast or play a lot, sometimes you get tired and your muscles feel kind of achy and sore? That's because your body couldn't get enough oxygen to your muscles in time to make energy, so your muscles had to use a different way of making energy called lactic acid fermentation.

Basically, your muscles take a special sugar called glucose and break it down into a different kind of sugar called pyruvate. Normally, your body would use oxygen to turn pyruvate into energy, but if there's not enough oxygen, your muscles turn it into lactic acid instead. This lactic acid builds up in your muscles and makes them feel sore and tired.

But don't worry, your body can also get rid of lactic acid when you're done exercising. Your liver turns the lactic acid back into glucose, which your body can use for energy later when you're not running or playing so hard.