ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, you know how milk is made by cows and it's white and creamy? Lactide is kind of like milk but instead of being a liquid that comes from a cow, it's a powder that comes from plants.

Lactide is made when plant sugars are mixed together and heated up. This causes a reaction where the sugars combine and turn into a powder called lactide. It's kind of like how when you mix flour and water together and bake it, it turns into bread.

The cool thing about lactide is that it can be used to make all kinds of things like plastic utensils, cups, and even clothing. When lactide is heated up again and melted, it can be molded into different shapes and forms.

But the really awesome part is that because lactide comes from plants, it's more eco-friendly than plastic made from oil. When we use plastic made from lactide, we're helping the environment by using something that is renewable and sustainable.