ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lady Godiva

Lady Godiva was a woman who lived a long, long time ago in England. She was married to a man named Leofric who was very rich and powerful. He was in charge of a big city called Coventry.

One day, Lady Godiva was very upset because she thought the taxes that her husband was collecting from the people were too high. She decided to do something about it.

So, she went to her husband and asked him to lower the taxes. But he said no. He told her that he would only lower the taxes if she did something special. He said that she had to ride through the city of Coventry completely naked!

Now, this was a very difficult thing for Lady Godiva to do. Back then, it was not considered proper for women to show their bodies in public.

But Lady Godiva was determined to help the people of Coventry. She decided to do it. So she asked everyone in the city to stay inside their houses and not look at her while she rode through the streets.

And that's exactly what happened. Lady Godiva rode through Coventry completely naked, while everyone stayed inside their houses and did not look at her.

Eventually, her husband saw that Lady Godiva was willing to do such a brave thing to help the people of Coventry. So he decided to lower the taxes, just as she had asked.

And that's the story of Lady Godiva - a brave woman who was willing to do something very difficult in order to help the people she cared about.