ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lake Assal (Djibouti)

Lake Assal is a really big pool of water in a country called Djibouti. It's special because it is very salty, which means you can float in it just like you would in the ocean! The reason it's so salty is because the water evaporates (which means it turns into steam and goes into the air) really quickly because the place it's in is really hot and dry. When the water evaporates, the salt is left behind, so the more water that evaporates, the saltier the lake gets! It's kind of like if you had a cup of water and left it out in the sun - eventually all the water would disappear and you'd be left with just the salt. People like to visit Lake Assal because it's really interesting and pretty, and it's also an important place for getting salt to use in things like cooking and breeding animals.
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