ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lake Atna

A lake is like a giant bathtub filled with water. Lake Atna is a very special lake located in Alaska, which is a really cold place with lots of snow and ice.

Lake Atna is not just an ordinary lake; it is a glacial lake. This means that it is formed by melting ice from glaciers. Glaciers are like huge blocks of ice that move incredibly slowly like a snail.

When the glaciers melt, the water goes down into the ground and fills up a big hole in the rock, which becomes Lake Atna. The water in this lake is super cold and clear because it comes directly from the glaciers.

The lake is surrounded by beautiful mountains and it's hard to get to because it's so remote, which means not many people live nearby. But some brave adventurers love to explore the lake and the surrounding area to see its beauty and learn about the environment there.

In short, Lake Atna is a special lake in Alaska. It is a glacial lake formed by melting ice from glaciers, and is surrounded by mountains and remote wilderness.