ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lake Nyos disaster

Okay, so let's talk about something called the Lake Nyos disaster. Many years ago, there was a lake called Lake Nyos in a country called Cameroon in Africa. This lake was kind of special because it had a lot of carbon dioxide gas sitting at the bottom.

Now, normally, the gas in the lake stays at the bottom because it's heavier than the air above it. But, one day, something happened that made the gas come up to the surface. We're not exactly sure what that was, but some people think it might have been an earthquake or something else that caused the gas to suddenly rush up to the surface.

When the gas came up, it made a huge bubble that popped and created a big cloud of gas. This gas was really dangerous because it was mostly made of carbon dioxide, which is a gas that can make it hard to breathe if there's too much of it.

Unfortunately, a lot of people and animals lived near the lake, and they breathed in too much of the gas. Sadly, more than 1,700 people and thousands of animals died in just a few minutes because of the gas cloud.

After the disaster, scientists tried to figure out how they could prevent something like this from happening again. They found a way to remove some of the gas from the bottom of the lake so it wouldn't build up like it did before. Now, the lake is much safer and people who live near it don't need to worry about a tragedy like that happening again.

So, to sum up, the Lake Nyos disaster happened because a lot of gas at the bottom of the lake suddenly came up to the surface and created a dangerous cloud that hurt and killed many people and animals. But, scientists were able to find a way to prevent this from happening again by removing some of the gas from the bottom of the lake.