ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lamaze International

So, Lamaze International is a group that helps people who are about to have a baby learn how to give birth. They teach ways to make labor (the process of having a baby) easier and less painful.

One of the things that they teach is called "breathing techniques". This means that they show people how to breathe in a special way that can help them stay calm and relaxed while the baby is coming out.

They also teach people about different positions to be in while giving birth, like being on hands and knees or leaning against a wall. These positions can make it easier for the baby to come out and help reduce pain.

Lamaze International also helps people learn about pain management options, like using medicine or getting an epidural. They explain how these options can help during labor and what the benefits and risks are.

Overall, Lamaze International helps people who are going to have a baby be ready for the big day by teaching them techniques and options for a smooth and comfortable labor.