ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lamson Engineering Company Ltd

Lamson Engineering Company Ltd. is simply a company that makes things to help other people do their work better.

Imagine you're at a big construction site where they're building a tall building. It can be hard to move things like cement and pipes up and down the floors of the building. That's where Lamson Engineering comes in. They make a special kind of machine called a pneumatic tube system. It's like a little train track that runs all over the inside of the building.

Workers can put things like cement, tools, and paperwork into little containers and the containers go into the pneumatic tube. Then the tube shoots the container up or down the building to the right floor, like magic!

So Lamson Engineering makes things to help people work faster and more efficiently. It's kind of like a superhero's secret laboratory, where they make gadgets to help save the day. But instead of superheroes, Lamson helps regular people do their jobs better.