ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lancaran (ship)

A lancaran is a big boat that can carry people or things on the water. It is like a really big car, but it can only go on water instead of roads. People have been using lancarans for a very long time to travel across rivers or oceans.

Lancarans are made out of wood and they have a lot of different parts. The bottom part is called the hull, and it is the part that sits in the water. The hull is shaped like a bowl so that it can stay balanced and stay afloat. On top of the hull, there is the deck. The deck is where people can stand or sit while they are on the lancaran.

Lancarans can be powered in different ways. Some lancarans use big sticks called oars to push themselves through the water, while others have big sails to catch the wind and move forward. Nowadays many lancarans have engines that use fuel to make them go.

Lancarans are really important in many places because they help people transport things like food, clothes, and other things across bodies of water. They can also be used for fun activities like fishing, sightseeing, or racing. Some people even live on lancarans for a long time and use them as their home. Overall, lancarans are a really cool way to travel and explore the world, especially when you want to go somewhere that you can't drive.
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