ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Landgericht (medieval)

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about Landgerichts in medieval times. Landgerichts were basically courts that were used in Germany during the Middle Ages. And these courts were really important because they helped people to settle disputes that they had with each other.

So let's say that two people had an argument over who owns a piece of land. They could go to the Landgericht and tell their side of the story. Then the people who worked at the Landgericht would listen to both sides of the story and would make a decision about who owned the land.

The people who worked at the Landgericht were called judges, and they were really smart and fair. They would listen carefully to everything that was said, and they would make sure that everyone got a fair trial.

But the Landgerichts weren't just used for settling disputes. They were also used for punishing people who had done something wrong. So if someone had stolen something or hurt someone else, they could be brought to the Landgericht to face punishment.

Overall, Landgerichts were really important in medieval Germany because they helped to keep things fair and just. They made sure that everyone was treated equally and that disputes were settled in a reasonable way.