ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Landmines in Cambodia

Okay, so imagine you're walking outside and you come across a toy that someone left in the grass. You might pick it up and play with it, or you might just keep walking. But what if instead of a toy, you found something dangerous like a bomb that could hurt or even kill you? That's what the people in Cambodia have to be careful of when they walk around in certain areas.

A long time ago, there was a war in Cambodia where people fought each other with guns and bombs. After the war ended, some of the bombs were left behind in the ground and they are called landmines. Landmines are little bombs that are hiding underground and they can explode if someone steps on them or touches them.

Even though the war has been over a long time, the landmines are still there and they are still dangerous. People in Cambodia have to be really careful when they walk around because they don't want to step on a landmine and get hurt.

It's like playing a big game of "hot potato" with the landmines, except instead of the potato being hot, it's a bomb!

The government and other groups are working hard to find the landmines and get rid of them so that people can be safe. Until then, it's really important for everyone to be careful and stay away from areas that might have landmines.