ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Landscapes of power

Alright kiddo, let's talk about landscapes of power.

Do you know what a landscape is? It's like a picture or a view of a certain place, like a meadow or a forest.

Now, some landscapes can have power. But that power isn't the kind that can lift things up or make them move. It's more like how people use the land or how it's controlled can make it have power.

For example, if a king or a queen owned a big castle on a hill, that castle and the land around it would have power because the king or queen could use it to show their importance and to control the people who lived around it.

Or, if a big company owned a factory that polluted a river or made lots of noise, they would have power over that area because they could do what they wanted without worrying about how it affected the people who lived there.

So, landscapes of power are places that have some kind of significance or control over people and their lives. It's important to understand these kinds of landscapes because they can impact the way people live and the way they think about the world around them.