ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Language and gender

Do you know how boys and girls are different? There are some things that boys do that girls don't do, and some things that girls do that boys don't do. But did you know that even the way we talk can be different depending on whether we are a boy or a girl?

This is called language and gender. Language is how we communicate with each other using words, and gender refers to whether we are male or female.

When we talk, we use certain words, phrases and tones that might be more common among boys or girls. For example, girls might use more words that express emotions like "cute" or "pretty", while boys might use more words that describe action like "strong" or "cool".

We also use different tones of voice. Girls might have a higher-pitched voice than boys, and boys might speak louder and with more confidence. These differences in language usage can reflect and reinforce gender norms, which are the things society expects boys and girls to do and behave like.

But it's important to remember that not everyone fits into these gender norms. Some boys might prefer to use words that are typically associated with girls, and some girls might sound more like boys in the way they talk. That's okay! We should accept people for who they are, no matter what gender they identify as.

Overall, language and gender is just another way that we express ourselves and our identities. It's interesting to pay attention to the different ways boys and girls use language, but we should never use language to judge someone based on their gender.