ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Language code

Do you know that there are many different languages in the world? And when people make things like websites, apps or games, they need to tell the computer which language they are using so it can show the right words and letters to people who use it. This is where language codes come in.

A language code is like a secret code that people use to tell computers which language they are using. It is made up of two letters or sometimes more than two letters, depending on how specific they want to be.

For example, the language code "en" means English, while "fr" means French, and "de" means German. Sometimes, people want to be more specific about a language, such as American English or British English. So they use a combination, like "en-US" for American English and "en-GB" for British English.

Using a language code is like playing a game of secret code, but instead of using words, people use two-letter codes to tell computers which language they are using. And in this way, computers can understand and show the right language to people.