ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Languages of Andorra

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are different languages that people speak in different parts of the world? In Andorra, which is a small country in Europe, there are actually three official languages!

One of those languages is Catalan, which is kind of like Spanish or French. It's a language that's spoken in a few different countries, including Spain, France, and Italy. But in Andorra, Catalan is the most commonly spoken language.

Another official language in Andorra is Spanish. You're probably pretty familiar with this language, since it's spoken in many places all around the world. In Andorra, Spanish is mostly spoken by people who come from other countries to work or visit.

The third official language in Andorra is French. This one is also spoken in a few different countries, including France itself and parts of Canada. In Andorra, French is mostly spoken by people who come from France or nearby areas.

So, to sum up, people in Andorra speak three different languages: Catalan, Spanish, and French. People who live there mostly speak Catalan, but there are also people who speak Spanish or French. It's pretty cool that a small country like Andorra has so many different languages!