ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lanka Education and Research Network

Dear little one,

The Lanka Education and Research Network (LEARN) is a special network that connects many schools and universities in Sri Lanka. Just like how we can talk to our friends on the phone or send them messages on WhatsApp, LEARN helps students and teachers communicate with each other over the internet.

LEARN is not just for chatting though. It also helps schools and universities share important information and resources with each other. For instance, a teacher in one school can share a lesson plan with other teachers in different schools, which they can all use to teach their own classes.

LEARN also helps universities in Sri Lanka to do research by enabling them to collaborate with researchers from other universities around the world. This is like a big group of scientists working together to solve a big problem!

Overall, LEARN helps people learn more and work together more effectively, which is really important for making good connections and making the world a better place.

I hope this explanation helps you understand what LEARN is all about. Don't hesitate to ask if you have more questions!